Ayurveda: A Snap Shot
Emmie Stamell Emmie Stamell

Ayurveda: A Snap Shot

India’s traditional medical system, Ayurveda, is as intricate as it is elegant, as vast as it is simple. Each individual is understood to be unique, yet made up of the same 5 elements and the same spectrum of qualities as everything in the Universe.

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Equanimity: A Path To Freedom
Emmie Stamell Emmie Stamell

Equanimity: A Path To Freedom

Humans all want the same things: to be happy, healthy, safe, to generally feel good and be free from suffering. Unfortunately, even those of us who have endured relatively few stressors can attest that life is mostly not in our control. Aging, sickness and death are inevitable no matter how healthy a lifestyle we lead, and afflictive emotional states like anxiety, anger and grief are common to humanity. From the mindfulness perspective, freedom from suffering does not come simply from reducing stressful external circumstances (though that is often a wise course of action!). The relational practice of mindfulness with equanimity, according to Buddhist teachings, is the middle way and offers a path to true liberation.

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Three Ayurvedic Beauty Tips For Summer
Emmie Stamell Emmie Stamell

Three Ayurvedic Beauty Tips For Summer

Ready to sparkle this summer? These simple tips from the time-tested wisdom of Ayurveda (literally “the knowledge of life”) for skin care, a DIY Ayurvedic facial, and hair care, will help you look and feel your best!

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